What type of design is the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
Tied-Arch Bridge
Cable-Stayed Bridge
Cantilever Bridge
Steel through arch bridge
What is the nickname for the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
The Coathanger
Suspension bridge
Integral Beam
What is the length of the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
1,009 metres
1,149 metres
5,167 metres
3,189 metres
Who constructed the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
Kathleen M. Butler
Dorman Long
Ralph Modjeski
Where did the southern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge located?
Northern Beaches
Dawes Point in The Rocks
Newcastle Upon Tyne
What is the name of the main roadway across the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
Route 66
Interstate Highways
The Bradfield Highway
55 mph on rural highways
How many panel arch trusses are there on the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
Two 28
Five 58
Four 34
Which company supplied the six million Australian-made hand-driven rivets to the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
Deutsche Bank and Bosch
Ernst & Young company
Deutsche Telekom company
McPherson company of Melbourne
Which architect designed the pylons in the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
Émile Zola
Gustave Flaubert
Thomas S. Tait
Which organization listed the Sydney Harbour Bridge as a National Engineering Landmark?
Engineers Australia
Engineers Wales
Engineers Austria
Engineers France
What was Bill Bryson's book about the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 2000?
Down Under
Return to Paradise
Statue of Liberty
What poem did Charles Darwin write about the Sydney Harbor Bridge in 1789?
Visit of Hope to Sydney Cove, near Botany Bay
I demolish the bridges behind me
Patriotism is the love of the country
A bridge is a structure to crosses an open space or gap
Which flag is flown nineteen days a year on the Sydney Harbor Bridge?
Rig marking flags
Municipal flags
Aboriginal flag
Stock color flags
Which year was the 80th anniversary of the Sydney Harbour Bridge celebrated?
April 2006
June 2019
May 2016
March 2012
What is the total financial cost of the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
AU£3.45 million
AU£9.20 million
AU£6.25 million
AU£7.05 million