To which branch of social science does the field of macroeconomics belong?
Social Science
What is the abbreviation for GDP in macroeconomics?
Gate date price
Gateway Dimension price
Gross domestic price
Gross devalue products
Which determines the exchange rate between the domestic and a foreign currency?
liquidity preference
aggregate demand
interest rate effect
law of supply and demand
Which determines the negative relationship between inflation and unemployment?
The Phillips Curve
Business cycle
Aggregate variables
Monetary policy
Who is known as the father of macroeconomics?
Adam Smith
John Maynard Keynes
Esther Duflo
David Ricardo
Which topic involves the study of unemployment and inflation?
Below the following, which policy is relevant to the Time frame?
Service policy
Monetary policy
Rational policy
Gross policy
Which term defines the total amount of everything a country produces in a given period?
National output
National income
Net foreign assets
Human capital
Which is used to measure the total net output of the economy?
Business cycle
Gross domestic product
Which represents the empirical relationship between unemployment and short-run GDP growth?
John’s law
Okun’s law
Market law
Variable law