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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje physical science

physical science

Poslouchejte physical science výslovnosti
Sazba výslovnost obtížnosti
4 /5
(2 hlasy)
  • Velmi snadné
  • Snadné
  • Středně
  • Obtížné
  • Velmi obtížné
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Výslovnost physical science 1 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte physical science výslovnosti 1
0 hodnocení
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Fonetický pravopis physical science

phys-i-cal sci-ence
physical science
phys-ical s-ci-ence

Synonyma pro physical science

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Příklady ve větě

Darwin's work shows, however, the tendency to connect medicine with physical science, which was an immediate consequence of the scientific discoveries of the end of the 18th century, when Priestley and Cavendish in England exercised the same influence as Lavoisier in France.
Such a philosophy makes little serious attempt at constructive work in antiquity; but, upon the first great victories of physical science in modern times, a desire arose to extend the new and wonderfully fruitful method to the ultimate problems of speculation.

Překlady physical science

Přidat physical science podrobnosti

Významy physical science
Antonyma pro physical science

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