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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje family Felidae

family Felidae

Poslouchejte family Felidae výslovnosti
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2 /5
(7 hlasy)
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Fonetický pravopis family Felidae

fam-ily Fel-i-dae
fam-ily Fel-idae
family felidae

Významy family Felidae

It is the scientific name of a family of mammals that belongs to the subdivision "Carnivora" and they are well developed and highly sensitive whiskers above the eyes.

Synonyma pro family Felidae

Příklady ve větě

My , probably connected with Xeuocrav, to see), a genus of mammals of the family Felidae, by some naturalists regarded only as a subgenus or section of the typical genus Felis (see Carnivora).
OCELOT (Mexican Flalocelotl, literally field-jaguar, from Flalli, field, and ocelotl, tiger, jaguar), an American member (Felis pardalis) of the family Felidae, ranging from Arkansas in the north to Paraguay.

Překlady family Felidae

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Antonyma pro family Felidae

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