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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje talus


Poslouchejte talus výslovnosti
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4 /5
(6 hlasy)
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  • Velmi obtížné
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Výslovnost talus 1 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte talus výslovnosti 1
1 hodnocení
IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : ˈteɪləs
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Fonetický pravopis talus

tey-luh s

Významy talus

A bone that is present in the lower part of the ankle point.

Synonyma pro talus

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Příklady ve větě

Reno Police arrest 17-year-old in Talus Way homicide investigation
Poslouchejte Reno Police arrest 17-year-old in Talus Way homicide investigation výslovnosti
Fractures of the Talus: Anatomy, Evaluation, and Management
Poslouchejte Fractures of the Talus: Anatomy, Evaluation, and Management výslovnosti
17-year-old arrested for deadly shooting on Talus Way in Reno
Poslouchejte 17-year-old arrested for deadly shooting on Talus Way in Reno výslovnosti
Effect of Anterior Translation of the Talus on Outcomes of Three-Component Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Poslouchejte Effect of Anterior Translation of the Talus on Outcomes of Three-Component Total Ankle Arthroplasty výslovnosti
Talus – Feeling A Little Jammed
Poslouchejte Talus – Feeling A Little Jammed výslovnosti

Překlady talus

Trendy novinky na talus

Talus – Feeling A Little Jammed
Poslouchejte Talus – Feeling A Little Jammed výslovnosti
We went up Lookout on Scenic Highway to a place called Talus Bar and Grill. Lois doesn’t think the drive up Lookout is as scary as Signal so she kept her eyes open. When we walked in ...
image-unavailable Chattanoogan.com
Effect of Anterior Translation of the Talus on Outcomes of Three-Component Total Ankle Arthroplasty
Poslouchejte Effect of Anterior Translation of the Talus on Outcomes of Three-Component Total Ankle Arthroplasty výslovnosti
Non-translation of Talus T-T † ratio ± 2SD 29 ≤ T-T ratio ≤ 41 Anterior translation of Talus T-T ratio < 2SD T-T ratio < 29 *The values are given as the mean and the standard deviation.
image-unavailable Medscape
17-year-old arrested for deadly shooting on Talus Way in Reno
Poslouchejte 17-year-old arrested for deadly shooting on Talus Way in Reno výslovnosti
The Reno Police Department responded to the 200 block of Talus Way on September 6 at about 10:30 p.m. for multiple reports of shots heard in the area. While officers were still on the way th..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable My News 4
Fractures of the Talus: Anatomy, Evaluation, and Management
Poslouchejte Fractures of the Talus: Anatomy, Evaluation, and Management výslovnosti
Fractures of the body of the talus encompass a wide variety of injuries and account for over 25% of all injuries to the talus. [22] No classification scheme categorizes them with clinical ....Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable Medscape
Reno Police arrest 17-year-old in Talus Way homicide investigation
Poslouchejte Reno Police arrest 17-year-old in Talus Way homicide investigation výslovnosti
A 17-year-old Reno resident was arrested Tuesday in the investigation of a fatal shooting on Talus Way, the Reno Police said in a statement. RPD officers responded to multiple reports of a s..Zobrazit článek
Reno Gazette-Journal on MSN.com Reno Gazette-Journal on MSN.com

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