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Fonetický pravopis sapote


Významy sapote

It is a soft edible fruit which is native to Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and Colombia. Though it has no relation to the cocoa tree, it tastes like chocolate pudding.

Synonyma pro sapote

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Wiki obsah sapote

Příklady ve větě

Size of a White Sapote Tree
Poslouchejte Size of a White Sapote Tree výslovnosti
How To Cook With Mamey Sapote
Poslouchejte How To Cook With Mamey Sapote výslovnosti
How to Grow Sapote From Seed
Poslouchejte How to Grow Sapote From Seed výslovnosti
Not-quite-chocolate-pudding fruit: why black sapote is 'utterly unexpected and delightful'
Poslouchejte Not-quite-chocolate-pudding fruit: why black sapote is 'utterly unexpected and delightful' výslovnosti
Otherwise Known as the Black Sapote
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Překlady sapote

Trendy novinky na sapote

Everything You Need To Know About Cooking With (Unripe) Mamey Sapote!
Poslouchejte Everything You Need To Know About Cooking With (Unripe) Mamey Sapote! výslovnosti
Some days are perfect. Other days, all of your hopes and dreams come crashing down in one fell swoop and you end up staring at a dinosaur egg in your hand wondering what you could possibly d..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable MSN
Size of a White Sapote Tree
Poslouchejte Size of a White Sapote Tree výslovnosti
You can generally grow large, sprawling white sapote trees (Casimiroa edulus) wherever oranges are grown, but they do poorly in high summer heat or areas with high humidity. Their broad cano..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable SFGate
How To Cook With Mamey Sapote
Poslouchejte How To Cook With Mamey Sapote výslovnosti
And by "dinosaur egg," I mean a very hard, very unripe mamey sapote fruit. Continuing my favorite series of adventuring (or, in this case, misadventuring) during our seemingly endless quaran..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable Delish
How to Grow Sapote From Seed
Poslouchejte How to Grow Sapote From Seed výslovnosti
Sapote, a word derived from the Aztec term for soft, sweet fruit, "tzapotl," has influenced the nomenclature of a few different types of fruit trees. The common name refers to Pouteria sapot..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable SFGate
Not-quite-chocolate-pudding fruit: why black sapote is 'utterly unexpected and delightful'
Poslouchejte Not-quite-chocolate-pudding fruit: why black sapote is 'utterly unexpected and delightful' výslovnosti
Creamy and very pleasing, black sapote is a treat on its own – and makes a very successful fruit loaf too Last modified on Fri 9 Oct 2020 15.02 EDT I read a bittersweet autobiography by the..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Guardian

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Antonyma pro sapote

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