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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje reconciliation


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IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : rekənsɪlɪˈeɪʃn
Záznam a poslouchat výslovnost
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nebo vyslovit v různých přízvuk

Fonetický pravopis reconciliation

rek-uh n-sil-ee-ey-shuh n

Významy reconciliation

The word refers to rebuild a friendly relationship with a person whom you had not a good term and also it means to make perception and thoughts compatible with another person.
the reestablishing of cordial relations
bank reconciliation
act of reconciliation
reconciliation procedure
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Synonyma pro reconciliation

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Příklady ve větě

Somali parliament rejects president's dismissal of prime minister
Poslouchejte Somali parliament rejects president's dismissal of prime minister výslovnosti
Hong Kong's Carrie Lam delivers speech on video after protests in legislature
Poslouchejte Hong Kong's Carrie Lam delivers speech on video after protests in legislature výslovnosti
Aboriginal Sovereignty Day Declared
Poslouchejte Aboriginal Sovereignty Day Declared výslovnosti
Abbott open to possible Australian assistance in Iraq
Poslouchejte Abbott open to possible Australian assistance in Iraq výslovnosti
Both sides of Kenya's constitution dispute are negotiating
Poslouchejte Both sides of Kenya's constitution dispute are negotiating výslovnosti
Ukázat více méně Věta

Trendy novinky na reconciliation

Militants plotting provocations with use of toxic agents in Idlib — reconciliation center
Poslouchejte Militants plotting provocations with use of toxic agents in Idlib — reconciliation center výslovnosti
According to The Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties, activists of the White Helmets organization are helping to prepare sites for provocations with the use of toxic ag..Zobrazit článek
QuickBooks, Amazon To Provide Automatic Purchase Reconciliation
Poslouchejte QuickBooks, Amazon To Provide Automatic Purchase Reconciliation výslovnosti
Intuit has announced a new integration between its QuickBooks software and Amazon Business to allow small businesses to automate purchase reconciliation.
pymnts.com pymnts.com
Account Reconciliation Software Market 2020 Worldwide Opportunities, Driving Forces, COVID-19 Impact Analysis, Future Potential 2028
Poslouchejte Account Reconciliation Software Market 2020 Worldwide Opportunities, Driving Forces, COVID-19 Impact Analysis, Future Potential 2028 výslovnosti
The total % of ICT Goods Exports around the Globe Increased from 11.20% in 2016 to 11.51% in 2017 – UNCTAD CRIFAX added
MarketWatch MarketWatch
Statement from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation on the tabling of Bill C-5
Poslouchejte Statement from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation on the tabling of Bill C-5 výslovnosti
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation is pleased to see a tabling of a bill to establish a National Day for Truth
Benzinga.com Benzinga.com
Executive Summary – Resilience Capacities for Reconciliation in the Great Lakes Sub-Region
Poslouchejte Executive Summary – Resilience Capacities for Reconciliation in the Great Lakes Sub-Region výslovnosti
English Analysis on Burundi and 2 other countries about Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding; published on 18 Sep 2020 by Interpeace
image-unavailable ReliefWeb
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