What is the official name for the Sardinia island in Italian?
Autonomous Region of Sardinia
Homogenous region
Perceptual regions of Island
Midwest island region
How many divisions are there in Sardinia Island?
Three provinces
Five provinces
Forty provinces
Four provinces
What is the total area of Sardinia Island?
14,290 km²
24,090 km²
20,000 km²
40,060 km²
Where did the name Sardinia come from?
Pre-Russia ethnonym
Pre-Latin ethnonym
Pre-Roman ethnonym
Pre-German ethnonym
Which stone did the Sardinia term make its first appearance?
Nora Stone
Metamorphic rock
What is the civilization found in Sardinia Island?
Chinese Civilization
Egyptian Civilization
Mesopotamia Civilization
Nuragic civilization
What is the Anthem of Sardinia Island?
Su patriotu sardu a sos feudatarios
Ó, guð vors lands
God Defend New Zealand
Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People
What is the Gross domestic product of Sardinia Island in 2021?
€76.032 billion
€35.29 billion
€5.002 billion
€35.032 billion
What is the highest peak in the Sardinia Island?
Punta La Marmora
Fault-block mountains
Andaman and Nicobar islands
Residual Mountains
Which river in Sardinia Island is 151 km long?
Songhua River
Han Shui
Xiang Jiang
The Tirso