What is the symbol for a partial differential equation?
𝑑 (d)
∂ (0)
Who discovered partial differential equations?
Homi J. Bhabha
Leonhard Euler
James Chadwick
What is the solution of a partial differential equation?
Any function that satisfies the equation numerically
Any function that satisfies the equation identically
Any function that satisfies the equation fractionally
Any function that satisfies the equation symmetrically
How do you represent an elliptic partial differential equation?
How were the Navier-Stokes equations named in 2000?
Nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Millennium Problem
Cauchy–Kowalevski theorem
Split-step method
Which equation is known as the studied extension of the partial differential equation?
Stochastic partial differential equations
Riquier–Janet theory
A and D only
Nonlocal equations
Which method uses fuzzy logic with Laplace transform to solve partial differential equations?
Fuzzy differential equation method
Finite element method
Finite difference method
Fuzzy differential inclusion method
What is the use of the partial differential equation in Quantum mechanics?
The base model for many derivations
The base model for many fractions
The base model for many diffusion
The base model for many Differentiation
Which method is used to solve partial differential equations?
Method of point
Method of lines
Method of slope
Method of loops
What is the formula for the Superposition principle in PDE?
D(-c1u1 + c2u2) = c1Du1- c2Du2
D(c1u1 - c2u2) = c1Du1 - c2Du2
D(c1u1 + c2u2) = c1Du1 + c2Du2
D(-c1u1 - c2u2) = -c1Du1 + c2Du2