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Významy Iskender

Vary from Alejandro protector o defensor de la humanidad
It is a Turkish dish that is made with lamb and tomato sauce as the main ingredient. It is also served with a many other toppings.
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Příklady ve větě

Three of a kind: Iskender kebabs
Food Obsession: Iskender kebab
Interview with Bektour Iskender, co-founder of Kyrgyz outlet under attack for corruption investigation
Iskender Dirik

Překlady Iskender

Trendy novinky na Iskender

Food Obsession: Iskender kebab
My biggest regret from a trip to Turkey was not trying the Iskender kebab – luckily there are great places to get it in Dubai. One of the best Iskenders in Dubai is at Istanbul Flower on She..Zobrazit článek
The National The National
Three of a kind: Iskender kebabs
Deconstructing dishes may be fashionable in contemporary restaurants but Iskender kebab makers have been doing it since the 1860s. They're named after Iskender Usta who invented the vertical..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Sydney Morning Herald
Iskender Dirik
Iskender Dirik is Managing Director at the Microsoft ScaleUp in Berlin, a leading ScaleUp program for later stage B2B tech startups. He is also Venture Partner for EQT Ventures, one of the l..Zobrazit článek
thenextweb.com thenextweb.com
Interview with Bektour Iskender, co-founder of Kyrgyz outlet under attack for corruption investigation
I asked Kloop's co-founder Bektour Iskender to comment on the situation and speak more broadly about the challenges investigative journalists face in Kyrgyzstan today. The interview has been..Zobrazit článek
Global Voices Online Global Voices Online

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