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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje financed

(2 hlasy)
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Záznam a poslouchat výslovnost
Můžete vyslovit toto slovo lepší
nebo vyslovit v různých přízvuk
nebo vyslovit v různých přízvuk
Fonetický pravopis financed
Významy financed
It is a verb term that means "provide the money for a people".
Příklady ve větě
The 2 heavily financed upstarts aim to supplant the taxi industry
Another steering committee member has presented his reasons for concurrence with the Sutter Health-financed Camden Study conclusions (“Judge hospital facts for yourself,†July 3)
Telecommunication infrastructure to be financed?
Long, and runs between Colon and Panama; it was made possible by the rush of gold-miners across the isthmus in the years immediately after 1849; was financed by the New York house of Howland & Aspinwall - Aspinwall (later Colon) was named in honour of the junior member, William Henry Aspinwall, (180
This was a stock speculation based on the remarkable output ($ 3 00,000,000 in 20 years) of the silver bonanzas of the Comstock lode at Virginia City, Nevada, which were opened and financed by San Francisco capitalists.
Překlady financed
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Přidat financed podrobnosti
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Populární sbírky
Populární kvízy
Trendy na HowToPronounce
- Elèna [en]
- Villarreal [en]
- Vladyslav [en]
- Choi [en]
- singapore [en]
- rodriguez [en]
- trachtenberg [en]
- pierce [en]
- Rephidim [en]
- Luisa [en]
- Shane Warne [en]
- Forsyth [en]
- Juventus [en]
- btc [en]
- epic [en]
Slovo dne
Poslední slovo podání
Naposledy aktualizováno
Březen 03, 2025
Nedávno viděn slova
Naposledy aktualizováno
Březen 04, 2025