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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje department of energy

department of energy

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Fonetický pravopis department of energy

Depart-ment of En-ergy
De-part-ment of En-ergy

Významy department of energy

The United States Department of Energy is a U.S. federal government firm, that provides energy research and development administration services, founded in 1977 and Jennifer Granholm is the Secretary.

Synonyma pro department of energy

Příklady ve větě

US Department Of Energy A test of the Davy Crockett, an American nuclear artillery system, in 1962 Nuclear security scholars Hans M
There will be no change in the price of all grades of petrol, but a decrease in the price of diesel and paraffin, the department of energy has announced
Department of Energy Savannah River Site, is beginning a year-long project that will improve SRR’s salt-disposition process and prepare the site’s liquid waste operations for the Salt Waste Processing Facility currently under construction
U.S. Department of Energy Awards Fluor 3-Year Contract for Paducah Deactivation and Shutdown
US Department of Energy doubles lithium

Přidat department of energy podrobnosti

Antonyma pro department of energy
Překlady department of energy

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