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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje copiously


Poslouchejte copiously výslovnosti
Sazba výslovnost obtížnosti
2 /5
(1 Hlasování)
  • Velmi snadné
  • Snadné
  • Středně
  • Obtížné
  • Velmi obtížné
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Výslovnost copiously 1 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte copiously výslovnosti 1
17 hodnocení
IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : ˈkəʊpɪəslɪ
Záznam a poslouchat výslovnost
Můžete vyslovit toto slovo lepší
nebo vyslovit v různých přízvuk

Fonetický pravopis copiously


Významy copiously

It is an adverb term that means abundant, or ample.

Synonyma pro copiously

Dozvědět se více o slovo "copiously" , jeho původu, alternativní formy a použití z Wikislovníku.

Příklady ve větě

Tennyson was already writing copiously - an epic of 6000 lines at twelve, a drama in blank verse at fourteen, and so on: these exercises have, very properly, not been printed, but the poet said of them at the close of his life, It seems to me, I wrote them all in perfect metre.
Repetition of one crop exhausts the ground; rotation will lighten the strain, only the exhausted soil must be copiously dressed with manure or ashes.
Each wrote copiously in verse, but Johan (1640-1684), who was professor of poetry at Upsala, almost entirely in Latin, while Samuel (1642-1679), especially in his Odae sveticae, showed himself an apt and fervid imitator of the Swedish hexameters of Stjernhjelm, to whom he was at one time secretary,
Wehnelt discovered that the same effect could be produced by using instead of a carbon filament a platinum wire covered with the oxides of calcium or barium, which when incandescent have the property of copiously emitting negative ions.
He wrote books of travel, of popular biography, or of historical or political discussion, &c., from time to time; but his principal literary achievements were editions, between 1868 and 1888, of Franklin's autobiography and autobiographical writings, copiously annotated; and of the complete works of

Překlady copiously

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Antonyma pro copiously

Jak se vyslovuje Gigi Hadid?

je-je huh-ded
jee-jee huh-deed
jeej-ee huhd-eed
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