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5 /5
(1 Hlasování)
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Výslovnost bloodless 1 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte bloodless výslovnosti 1
13 hodnocení
IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : ˈblʌdlɪs ˈblʌdləs
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Příklady ve větě

Governor James Bowdoin in1786-1787put down with clemency an almost bloodless insurrection in the western counties (there was strong disaffection, however, as far east as Middlesex), known as the Shays Rebellion, significant of the rife ideas of popular power, the economic distress, and the unsettled
Nathan of Gaza assumed the role of Elijah, the Messiah's forerunner, proclaimed the coming restoration of Israel and the salvation of the world through the bloodless victory of Sabbatai riding on a lion with a seven-headed dragon in his jaws (Graetz).
Although the offerings at the festival were bloodless, the ceremony of the presentation of the airapxai was probably accompanied by animal sacrifice (Farnell, Foucart); Mommsen, however, considers the offerings to have been pastry imitations.
He knew from his English experiences that such a veto would be hardly ever used unless the king felt the people were on his side, and that if it were used unjustifiably the power of the purse possessed by the representatives of the people would, as in England in 1688, bring about a bloodless revolut
He knew that love of novelty and contempt for the gouty old king and his greedy courtiers had brought about this bloodless triumph; and he felt instinctively that he had to deal with a new France, which would not tolerate despotism.

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Jak se vyslovuje Sally field?

sa-l-ee feeld
sal-ee fee-ld
sa-lee feeld
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