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Příklady ve větě

He carried out a number of magnetic investigations which resulted in the discovery of many interesting phenomena, some of which have been rediscovered by others; they related among other things to the effect of mechanical strain on the magnetic properties of the magnetic metals, to the relation betw
The development of feudal society, of centralizing kingship and ultimately of a system of common law, brought about great changes which all hinge on the fundamental fact that the kings, while increasing the power of the state in other respects, surrendered it completely as regards the relations betw
They are soft and lustrous, with a peculiarly smooth feel, and though often confounded with mica-schists may be distinguished by their richness in magnesia; many of them contain tremolite or actinolite; others have residual grains of olivine or augite; and here also every gradation can be found betw
Not that the regime in Russia had become in any true sense constitutional, far less parliamentary; but the unlimited autocracy had given place to a self-limited autocracy, whether permanently so limited, or only at the discretion of the autocrat, remaining a subject of heated controversy betw

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Jak se vyslovuje Freddie highmore?

freh-dee haim-or
frehd-ee hai-mor
freh-dee hai-mor
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