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1 /5
(4 hlasy)
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Výslovnost beetling 1 audio výslovnosti
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ipa : ˈbiːtlɪŋ
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Fonetický pravopis beetling


Významy beetling

Beetling is the process of battering linen or cotton fabric to create a flat, lustrous finish.

Synonyma pro beetling

Dozvědět se více o slovo "beetling" , jeho původu, alternativní formy a použití z Wikislovníku.

Příklady ve větě

In old males the eyes are overhung by a beetling penthouse of bone, the hinder half of the middle line of the skull bears a wall-like bony ridge for the attachment of the powerful jaw-muscles, and the tusks, or canines, are of monstrous size, recalling those of a carnivorous animal.
Betel, connected with beat) comes beetle in the sense of a mallet, and the beetling-machine, which subjects fabrics to a hammering process.
The adjective beetle-browed, and similarly beetling (of a cliff), are derived from the name of the insect.

Překlady beetling

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