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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje Asclepius


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ipa : əsˈkliːpɪəs
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Výslovnost videa Asclepius v Anglický

Fonetický pravopis Asclepius

uh-sklee-pee-uh s

Významy Asclepius

It is the name of the Greek God of medicine.

Synonyma pro Asclepius

Příklady ve větě

Among the objects of interest described by Pausanias as extant in Epidaurus are the image of Athena Cissaea in the Acropolis, the temple of Dionysus and Artemis, a shrine of Aphrodite, statues of Asclepius and his wife Epione, and a temple of Hera.
The temple of Asclepius, which contained the gold and ivory statue by Thrasymedes of Paros, had six columns at the ends and eleven at the sides; it was raised on stages and approached by a ramp at the eastern front.
The chief buildings are grouped together, and include temples of Asclepius and Artemis, the Tholos, and the Abaton, or portico where the patients slept.
Monograph Published by World Scientific Publishing Proves Asclepius Meditec's Hydrogen Oxygen Generator with Nebulizer Effective in Treating COVID-19
Poslouchejte Monograph Published by World Scientific Publishing Proves Asclepius Meditec's Hydrogen Oxygen Generator with Nebulizer Effective in Treating COVID-19 výslovnosti

Překlady Asclepius

Trendy novinky na Asclepius

Monograph Published by World Scientific Publishing Proves Asclepius Meditec's Hydrogen Oxygen Generator with Nebulizer Effective in Treating COVID-19
Poslouchejte Monograph Published by World Scientific Publishing Proves Asclepius Meditec's Hydrogen Oxygen Generator with Nebulizer Effective in Treating COVID-19 výslovnosti
- Hydrogen-Oxygen Inhalation for Treatment of COVID-19, a monograph concluding China's experience in the fight against COVID-19, reports that Hydrogen Oxygen Generator with Nebulizer is effe..Zobrazit článek
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