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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje anarchic


Poslouchejte anarchic výslovnosti
Sazba výslovnost obtížnosti
2 /5
(4 hlasy)
  • Velmi snadné
  • Snadné
  • Středně
  • Obtížné
  • Velmi obtížné
Díky za váš hlas!
Výslovnost anarchic 1 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte anarchic výslovnosti 1
1 hodnocení
IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : əˈnɑːkɪk
Záznam a poslouchat výslovnost
Můžete vyslovit toto slovo lepší
nebo vyslovit v různých přízvuk

Fonetický pravopis anarchic


Synonyma pro anarchic

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Příklady ve větě

In Egypt the Phoenician merchants soon gained a foothold; they alone were able to maintain a profitable trade in the anarchic times of the XXIInd and XXIIIrd Dynasties (825-650 B.C.), when all other foreign merchants were frightened away.
Ismail re-established and improved the administrative system organized by Mehemet Au, and which had fallen into decay under Abbass indolent rule; he caused a thorough remodelling of the customs system, which was in an anarchic state, to be made by English officials; in 1865 he established the Egypti
The anarchic state of Northumberland and Cumberland after the Norman Conquest, which did not soon assimilate them, was Malcolm's opportunity.
The anarchic weakness of the reign of Stephen enabled David to secure his hold of northern England to the Till, but the death of his gallant and gentle son Henry, in June 1152, left the succession to his son, Malcolm the Maiden, then a child of ten, and David's death (24th of May 1153) exposed Scotl

Překlady anarchic

Přidat anarchic podrobnosti

Významy anarchic
Antonyma pro anarchic

Jaká je správná výslovnost jména Amanda bynes?

aah-man-d binez
haa-man-da binez
uh-man-duh binez
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