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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje South American country

South American country

Poslouchejte South American country výslovnosti
Sazba výslovnost obtížnosti
0 /5
( Hlasování)
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  • Velmi obtížné
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Výslovnost South American country 1 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte South American country výslovnosti 1
1 hodnocení
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Fonetický pravopis South American country

South Amer-i-can coun-try
south american country
South Amer-ican coun-try

Významy South American country

countries occupying the South American continent

Synonyma pro South American country

Příklady ve větě

Bogota (AFP) - Jose Pekerman has signed a new four-year deal as coach of Colombia, the South American country's football federation announced Tuesday
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan courts have dropped all charges against hundreds of demonstrators detained during anti-government protests that wracked the South American country this spring
Embassy in Caracas issued an advisory Tuesday urging Americans to be careful when travelling to Venezuela because of the steep drop in airline service to the South American country

Překlady South American country

Přidat South American country podrobnosti

Antonyma pro South American country

Jak se vyslovuje John hurt?

jawn hu-ht
jawn huht
ja-wn huht
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