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2 /5
(20 hlasy)
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33 hodnocení
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32 hodnocení
Poslouchejte scope výslovnosti 3
5 hodnocení
IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : skəʊp
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Fonetický pravopis scope


Významy scope

a magnifier of images of distant objects
scope of this project
large scope of work
scope of delivery
unlimited scope
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Synonyma pro scope

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Příklady ve větě

Scope AR acquires augmented reality tool maker WakingApp
Condo Smarts: Consultant can define scope of siding and deck project
3 Strategies To Manage Case Scope In ANDA Patent Litigation
FASB issues narrow-scope changes to credit losses standard
Nihon Kohden Launches Life Scope® SVM-7200 Series Vital Sign Monitor, a Portable, Easy-to-Use Monitor with Customizable Early Warning Scoring
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Trendy novinky na scope

Condo Smarts: Consultant can define scope of siding and deck project
It’s a small investment to retain a consultant to set the specifications identifying the scope of work, and consult a lawyer before you issue the project for bids. If your community is consi..Zobrazit článek
Times Colonist Times Colonist
3 Strategies To Manage Case Scope In ANDA Patent Litigation
The asserted patents and patent claims often define the scope of a case. This article presents three strategies for ANDA applicants to help manage the scope of a multiclaim or multipatent ca..Zobrazit článek
Law360 Law360
FASB issues narrow-scope changes to credit losses standard
FASB issued narrow-scope improvements Tuesday to its new accounting standard for credit losses. "After issuing the current expected credit losses standard — also known as CECL — in 2016, the..Zobrazit článek
JournalofAccountancy JournalofAccountancy
Thyssenkrupp sees limited scope for additional steel investment
DUISBURG/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Ailing conglomerate Thyssenkrupp will review the business plan for its steel division in the coming weeks, it said on Tuesday, adding there was limited scope f..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable Yahoo Finance
Nihon Kohden Launches Life Scope® SVM-7200 Series Vital Sign Monitor, a Portable, Easy-to-Use Monitor with Customizable Early Warning Scoring
IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nihon Kohden, a U.S. market leader in precision medical products and services, today announced the launch of its Life Scope® SVM-7200 Series vital signs moni..Zobrazit článek
Business Wire Business Wire
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