Let's start with the number: 3403
Remember the answers in the right order from the previous questions!!
Type R if you are Ready!
Frog, Giraffe, Butterfly, Camel
Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Copper
Frog, Giraffe, Butterfly, Camel
Butterfly, Camel, Frog, Giraffe
Frog, Giraffe, Camel, Butterfly
What, How, Who, When, Where
Sodium, Potassium, Copper, Calcium
Sodium, Copper, Potassium, Calcium
Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Copper
Jumbo Jet, Hot Air Balloon, Cycling Helmet, Saxophone
What, How, Where, Who, When
What, How, Who, When, Where
How, What, Who, When, Where
Deck of Cards, Quartz Crystal, Seaside Postcards, Snacks
Jumbo Jet, Hot Air Balloon, Cycling Helmet, Saxophone
Jumbo Jet, Hot Air Balloon, Saxophone, Cycling Helmet
Jumbo Jet, Cycling Helmet, Hot Air Balloon, Saxophone
Journalist, Doctor, Teacher, Nurse, Engineer, Goldsmith
Deck of Cards, Snacks, Quartz Crystal, Seaside Postcards
Deck of Cards, Quartz Crystal, Snacks, Seaside Postcards
Deck of Cards, Quartz Crystal, Seaside Postcards, Snacks
4578, 9876, 1367
Journalist, Doctor, Nurse, Engineer, Goldsmith, Teacher
Journalist, Doctor, Teacher, Nurse, Engineer, Goldsmith
Journalist, Doctor, Nurse, Engineer, Teacher, Goldsmith
Pulitzer, Nobel, Filmfare, Academy, Grammy, Stardust, Golden Globes, Nandi, BRIT, Booker
4578, 9876, 1367
4758, 9766, 1367
4578, 9876, 1307
Let's see how well you remember the 10 Awards from the previous one!!!
Pulitzer, Nobel, Filmfare, Academy, Grammy, Stardust, Golden Globes, Nandi, BRIT, Booker
Pulitzer, BRIT, Nobel, Filmfare, Academy, Grammy, Stardust, Golden Globes, Nandi, Booker
Pulitzer, Nobel, Filmfare, Grammy, Stardust, Academy, Golden Globes, Nandi, BRIT, Booker