When was the ancient Egyptian Luxor temple constructed?
1700 BC
1200 BC
1600 BC
1400 BC
In which period the chapel inside the Luxor temple was dedicated to the goddess Mut?
French colonial period
British period
Roman period
Mongol period
Which of these festivals is considered an important festival in Luxor temple?
Sandbox Music Festival
Opet Festival
Sham Ennessim
What serves as the way station for the gods in Luxor temple during festival processions?
Chinese sculptor
Theban Triad
Abu Haggag Mosque
Six barque shrines
What was the ancient name for the Egyptian Luxor temple?
Kalabsha Temple
Ipet resyt
Edfu Temple
Temple of Dendur
Which river flows near the ancient Egyptian Luxor temple?
Beas River
Krishna River
Nile river
Which shrine was built over the foundations of the church inside the Luxor temple?
The Grand colonnade
Six barque shrines
Which of these is a mysterious archaeological site that is situated in Luxor temple?
The Avenue of Sphinxes
Abu Simbel
Islamic Cairo
Which conventional technique was used for the construction of the Luxor temple?
Twin-Wall Technology
What type of sandstone was used to build the ancient Egyptian Luxor temple?
Quartz Sandstone
Greywacke Sandstone
Nubian sandstone
Arenites sandstone