Who cast the Ghost Eye Curse in the Mojin: The Worm Valley film?
Chen Yukou
Professor Sun
Princess Jingjue
Hu Bayi
What is required to lift the Ghost Eye Curse in the Mojin: The Worm Valley film?
Defeating Princess Jingjue
Retrieving and bringing together the Mu Chen Orb and the Dragon Bone Celestial Tome
Destroying the Mu Chen Orb
Finding the Dragon Bone Celestial Tome
Where is the Mu Chen Orb in the Mojin: The Worm Valley film?
In a temple in Yunnan Province
In the Dragon Bone Celestial Tome
In Emperor Xian's Tomb
In the Longfeng Mountains
In Mojin: The Worm Valley film, What warning does Chen Yukou give to Hu Bayi, Professor Sun, and Shirley Yang?
"Never disturb the tomb."
"Don't trust the Mu Chen Orb."
"The curse will consume you."
"Never look into its eyes."
What is the significance of the Dragon Bone Celestial Tome in the Mojin: The Worm Valley film?
It is the source of the Ghost Eye Curse
It grants eternal life
It contains the location of the Mu Chen Orb
It holds the key to lifting the Ghost Eye Curse
Who is part of the group seeking to lift the curse in the Mojin: The Worm Valley film?
Professor Sun
Hu Bayi
All of the above
Shirley Yang
What is the Chongshu in the Mojin: The Worm Valley story?
A rare poison used by the princess
A mystical creature that grants eternal life
A deadly form of witchcraft where a person is infested with insects and encased in stone
A powerful magical artifact
What action does Fatty take with the Flamefly Queen's jar in the Mojin: The Worm Valley film?
He destroys the jar
He takes the jar from Kong Que
He throws the jar away
He frees the Queen
In the Mojin: The Worm Valley film, What is the group trying to reach in the Worm Valley to survive the toxic gas at night?
An ancient temple
A hidden village
A safe cave
The Floating Island
In the Mojin: The Worm Valley film, What does Kong Que guide the group to the day after their stay at the hotel?
A sacred mountain
A mysterious cave
An underground waterway leading to the Worm Valley
A hidden temple