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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje myasthenia gravis

myasthenia gravis

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Fonetický pravopis myasthenia gravis

myasthenia gravis
my-as-thenia gravis
myas-the-nia gravis
Myas-the-nia gravis
my-as-THEE-nee-uh GRAY-vis

Významy myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a neuromuscular disease that leads to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatigue.
a chronic progressive disease characterized by chronic fatigue and muscular weakness (especially in the face and neck); caused by a deficiency of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junctions

Synonyma pro myasthenia gravis

Wiki obsah myasthenia gravis

Příklady ve větě

FDA officials question safety of antibiotic 'Ketek'
Poslouchejte FDA officials question safety of antibiotic 'Ketek' výslovnosti
Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market 2020 Business Challenges, Merger, Acquisition and New Investment, Future Growth, Revenue, Forecast to 2026
Poslouchejte Myasthenia Gravis Disease Market 2020 Business Challenges, Merger, Acquisition and New Investment, Future Growth, Revenue, Forecast to 2026 výslovnosti
What is Myasthenia gravis
Poslouchejte What is Myasthenia gravis výslovnosti
UB researcher co-chairs international panel that expanded guidance for caring for patients with myasthenia gravis
Poslouchejte UB researcher co-chairs international panel that expanded guidance for caring for patients with myasthenia gravis výslovnosti
Global Myasthenia Gravis Treatment Market Size, Competitive Analysis, Share, Forecast- 2020-2026
Poslouchejte Global Myasthenia Gravis Treatment Market Size, Competitive Analysis, Share, Forecast- 2020-2026 výslovnosti
Ukázat více méně Věta

Překlady myasthenia gravis

Trendy novinky na myasthenia gravis

Advances in the Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis
Poslouchejte Advances in the Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis výslovnosti
No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this manuscript. Myasthenia gravis (MG) should be subgrouped into early-onset, late-onset, thymoma, ocular, anti-MuSK, anti-LRP4 and ...Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable Medscape
argenx Premieres A Mystery to Me, a Docuseries Inspired by the Myasthenia Gravis Patient Experience
Poslouchejte argenx Premieres A Mystery to Me, a Docuseries Inspired by the Myasthenia Gravis Patient Experience výslovnosti
Experience the interactive Multichannel News Release here: https://www.multivu.com/players/English/8789351-argenx-premieres-a-mystery-to-me-docuseries-myasthenia ...
image-unavailable PR Newswire
C'garh myasthenia gravis patient treated with plasma technique
Poslouchejte C'garh myasthenia gravis patient treated with plasma technique výslovnosti
For the first time in Chhattisgarh, a myasthenia gravis patient, a 17-year-old boy, has been treated using plasmapheresis technique (plasma exchange). The teenager remained on ventilator for..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Pioneer
Global Myasthenia Gravis Treatment Market Size, Competitive Analysis, Share, Forecast- 2020-2026
Poslouchejte Global Myasthenia Gravis Treatment Market Size, Competitive Analysis, Share, Forecast- 2020-2026 výslovnosti
Global myasthenia gravis treatment market is projected to grow at a considerable CAGR of around 7% during the forecast period (2020-2026). Increasing awareness related to the rare diseases ...Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable openpr.com
UB researcher co-chairs international panel that expanded guidance for caring for patients with myasthenia gravis
Poslouchejte UB researcher co-chairs international panel that expanded guidance for caring for patients with myasthenia gravis výslovnosti
A University at Buffalo researcher recently co-led a panel of 16 international experts on myasthenia gravis (MG) to revise and expand recommendations for managing the disease. Their paper wa..Zobrazit článek
Medicine Buffalo Medicine Buffalo
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Antonyma pro myasthenia gravis

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