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Klaus Fuchs

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Fonetický pravopis Klaus Fuchs

k-l-ow-s f-oo-k-s
Cla-us fu-chs
klaus fuchs

Významy Klaus Fuchs

The name of a German Physicist. He played the role of a spy for Russia. He supplied information on the Manhattan project to Russia during the cold war.
He is a a German physicist who supplied information from the American , Canadian Project to the Soviet Union shortly after World War II. After this he served nine years in prison in the United Kingdom and then he moved to East Germany.

Synonyma pro Klaus Fuchs

Wiki obsah Klaus Fuchs

Klaus Fuchs - Klaus Emil Julius Fuchs (29 December 1911 – 28 January 1988) was a German theoretical physicist and atomic spy who supplied information from the American, British, and Canadian Manhattan Proj

Příklady ve větě

Trinity by Frank Close: Klaus Fuchs: the ‘most dangerous spy in history’
Poslouchejte Trinity by Frank Close: Klaus Fuchs: the ‘most dangerous spy in history’ výslovnosti
Remembering Ted Hall and Klaus Fuchs
Poslouchejte Remembering Ted Hall and Klaus Fuchs výslovnosti
Atom spy Klaus Fuchs was motivated by conscience
Poslouchejte Atom spy Klaus Fuchs was motivated by conscience výslovnosti
What we saw as betrayal, Klaus Fuchs — the world’s most dangerous spy — saw as saving the world
Poslouchejte What we saw as betrayal, Klaus Fuchs — the world’s most dangerous spy — saw as saving the world výslovnosti
How Klaus Fuchs’s treachery may have averted Armageddon
Poslouchejte How Klaus Fuchs’s treachery may have averted Armageddon výslovnosti
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Překlady Klaus Fuchs

Trendy novinky na Klaus Fuchs

Remembering Ted Hall And Klaus Fuchs – OpEd
Poslouchejte Remembering Ted Hall And Klaus Fuchs – OpEd výslovnosti
Those two physicists, working separately as spies without knowledge of each other’s also being a spy, were the German Communist Klaus Fuchs, and Harvard physics undergrad Ted Hall. Fuchs had..Zobrazit článek
Eurasia Review Eurasia Review
Klaus Fuchs – the most dangerous spy in history
Poslouchejte Klaus Fuchs – the most dangerous spy in history výslovnosti
Physicist Klaus Fuchs leaked details about the development of the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb to the Russians – during the Second World war and the Cold War. Author Frank Close reveals..Zobrazit článek
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Klaus Fuchs biography reveals Soviet spy world
Poslouchejte Klaus Fuchs biography reveals Soviet spy world výslovnosti
Nazi Germany had been defeated but Japan was still fighting. Klaus Fuchs after his release from prison. The newly elected President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, planned to tell Jos..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Sydney Morning Herald
Techniques spy Klaus Fuchs was taught in order to contact Soviets
Poslouchejte Techniques spy Klaus Fuchs was taught in order to contact Soviets výslovnosti
Dr Klaus Fuchs revealed in prison interviews with MI5 officers that his handlers told him to leave the publications in Kew, south-west London, according to newly-declassified files. The 1940..Zobrazit článek
dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk
Klaus Fuchs arrested for passing atomic bomb information to Soviets
Poslouchejte Klaus Fuchs arrested for passing atomic bomb information to Soviets výslovnosti
Klaus Fuchs, a German-born British scientist who helped developed the atomic bomb, is arrested in Great Britain for passing top-secret information about the bomb to the Soviet Union. The arr..Zobrazit článek
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