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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje Kalaignar


Poslouchejte Kalaignar výslovnosti
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Poslouchejte Kalaignar výslovnosti 1
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Učit se Kalaignar výslovnosti s video

Výslovnost videa Kalaignar v Anglický

Významy Kalaignar

Kalaignar was an honor given to the Former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M. Karunanidhi who had popularly known for his numerous contributions to the Tamil lietrautre.

Příklady ve větě

Kalaignar Memorial Library to be set up in PWD staff quarters
Poslouchejte Kalaignar Memorial Library to be set up in PWD staff quarters výslovnosti
District admin trashes claims on site chosen for Kalaignar library
Poslouchejte District admin trashes claims on site chosen for Kalaignar library výslovnosti
AIADMK, PMK: Don’t raze PWD bldg for Kalaignar library
Poslouchejte AIADMK, PMK: Don’t raze PWD bldg for Kalaignar library výslovnosti
19 Kolkata Companies Under I-T Scanner For Funding Kalaignar TV
Poslouchejte 19 Kolkata Companies Under I-T Scanner For Funding Kalaignar TV výslovnosti

Trendy novinky na Kalaignar

19 Kolkata Companies Under I-T Scanner For Funding Kalaignar TV
Poslouchejte 19 Kolkata Companies Under I-T Scanner For Funding Kalaignar TV výslovnosti
New Delhi, July 11 : The money trail in the 2G telecom spectrum scam has led the Income Tax Department to 19 “non-genuine” companies in Kolkata allegedly used by Kalaignar TV to return Rs ....Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable India TV
AIADMK, PMK: Don’t raze PWD bldg for Kalaignar library
Poslouchejte AIADMK, PMK: Don’t raze PWD bldg for Kalaignar library výslovnosti
Madurai: The AIADMK and PMK have said that the state government should not demolish the PWD building which houses the residence of Col John Pennycuick.
India Times India Times
District admin trashes claims on site chosen for Kalaignar library
Poslouchejte District admin trashes claims on site chosen for Kalaignar library výslovnosti
Madurai: Farmers in the southern region, who revere British engineer Col Pennycuick who constructed the Mullaperiyar dam, had made a representation to.
India Times India Times
Kalaignar Memorial Library to be set up in PWD staff quarters
Poslouchejte Kalaignar Memorial Library to be set up in PWD staff quarters výslovnosti
The Public Works Department staff quarters on New Natham Road has been selected for establishing the Kalaignar Memorial Library.A release from Collector S. Aneesh Sekar said that the Chief M..Zobrazit článek
The Hindu The Hindu

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