The element 'Cobalt' was discovered by ________ in 1739.
O.H. Göhring
Georg Brandt
Kasimir Fajans
The element 'Holmium' was discovered by ________ in 1870.
Per Theodor Cleve
Otto Carl Berg
Walter Noddack
The element 'Oxygen' was discovered by ________ in 1774.
Karl Karlovich Klaus
Gustav Kirchhoff
Joseph Priestley
The element 'Potassium' was discovered by ________ in 1807.
Sir Humphry Davy
Jöns Jacob Berzelius
Sir Humphry Davy
The element 'Scandium' was discovered by ________ in 1879.
Carlo Perrier
Lars Fredrik Nilson
Emilio Segrè
The element 'Yttrium' was discovered by ________ in 1789.
Johan Gadolin
Juan José
Fausto Elhuyar
The element 'Osmium' was discovered by ________ in 1803.
Sir William Ramsay
Morris M. Travers
Smithson Tennant
The element 'Iodine' was discovered by ________ in 1811.
Jacob A. Marinsky
Barnard Courtois
Lawrence E. Glendenin
The element 'Phosphorus' was discovered by ________ in 1669.
Hennig Brand
Edward M. McMillan
Arthur C. Wohl
The element 'Erbium' was discovered by ________ in 1843.
Glenn T. Seaborg
Joseph W. Kennedy
Carl Gustaf Mosander
The element 'Germanium' was discovered by ________ in 1886.
Clemens Winkler
Torbørn Sikkeland
John R. Walton
The element 'Nitrogen' was discovered by ________ in 1772.
Albert Ghiorso
Glenn T. Seaborg
Daniel Rutherford
The element 'Radon' was discovered by ________ in 1900.
Smithson Tennant
Friedrich Ernst Dorn
Carl F. Auer
The element 'Strontium' was discovered by ________ in 1790.
Adair Crawford
Peter Armbruster
Gottfried Münzenber
The element 'Lutetium' was discovered by ________ in 1907.
Almon E. Larsh
Robert M. Latimer
Georges Urbain
The element 'Radium' was discovered by ________ in 1898.
Marie and Pierre Curie
Dirk Coster
Charles de Hevesy
The element 'Iridium' was discovered by ________ in 1803.
Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Smithson Tennant
The element 'Argon' was discovered by ________ in 1894.
Lord Rayleigh
Peter Armbruster
Gottfried Münzenber
The element 'Niobium' was discovered by ________ in 1801.
Ralph A. James
Albert Ghiorso
Charles Hatchett
The element 'Zirconium' was discovered by ________ in 1789.
Peter Armbruster
Martin Heinrich Klaproth
Sir William Ramsay
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