Here's The Quiz about "Jesus and The Twelve Disciples" The Bible. Do Play This. thumbnail
Here's The Quiz about "Jesus and The Twelve Disciples" The Bible. Do Play This. thumbnail

Here's The Quiz about "Jesus and The Twelve Disciples" The Bible. Do Play This.

10th - 12th grades
Played 8 times
Preview (10 questions)
1 Question
před 30 sekundami

 What is the profession of Peter and Andrew, the disciples of Jesus?




 wine maker

2 Question
před 30 sekundami

 To which group of people, Jesus sent the disciples to preach?





3 Question
před 30 sekundami

 One of the twelve disciples of Jesus tried to walk on water. Who is that?





4 Question
před 30 sekundami

 What is the reply of Peter when Jesus asked "Who say ye that I am"?

 help me Lord

 have mercy upon us

 I am your servant

 “You are the Christ.”

5 Question
před 30 sekundami

 What was the action of the disciples when the young children came to Jesus?

 scolded them

 rebuked them

 wished them

 fed them

6 Question
před 30 sekundami

 Which disciple did Jesus love the most?

 John the Evangelist




7 Question
před 30 sekundami

 To which disciple Jesus asked to buy the bread to feed the people?




 none of the mentioned

8 Question
před 30 sekundami

 Which one of the disciples has a name "Son of thunder"?

 James and John




9 Question
před 30 sekundami

 What was the previous name of Matthew before Jesus called him?





10 Question
před 30 sekundami

 Who came into the place of Judas after he betrayed Jesus?



