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Výslovnost glacier 7 audio výslovnosti
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182 hodnocení
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Poslouchejte glacier výslovnosti 3
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IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : ˈglæsɪə
Záznam a poslouchat výslovnost
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Výslovnost videa glacier v Anglický

Fonetický pravopis glacier


Významy glacier

It is a large accumulation of crystalline ice, snow, rock that originates on land.

Synonyma pro glacier

Dozvědět se více o slovo "glacier" , jeho původu, alternativní formy a použití z Wikislovníku.

Wiki obsah glacier

Glacier - A glacier (US: or UK: ) is a persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under its own weight.
Glacier National Park (U.S.) - Glacier National Park is an American national park located in northwestern Montana, on the Canada–United States border, adjacent to the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia.
Glacier National Park (Canada) - Glacier National Park is part of a system of 43 parks and park reserves across Canada, and one of seven national parks in British Columbia.
Glacier (wrestler) - Raymond M. Lloyd (born May 13, 1964) is an American semi-retired martial artist, professional wrestler, and actor.
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve - Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve is an American national park located in Southeast Alaska west of Juneau.
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Příklady ve větě

Volcanic eruption starts on top of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
Poslouchejte Volcanic eruption starts on top of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland výslovnosti
Icelandic volcanic eruption prompts evacuation, flight diversions
Poslouchejte Icelandic volcanic eruption prompts evacuation, flight diversions výslovnosti
UK Political Parties discuss green issues in run up to local elections
Poslouchejte UK Political Parties discuss green issues in run up to local elections výslovnosti
IPCC chief refuses to apologize for glacier error
Poslouchejte IPCC chief refuses to apologize for glacier error výslovnosti
IPCC claims about Himalayan glaciers were not based on science
Poslouchejte IPCC claims about Himalayan glaciers were not based on science výslovnosti
Ukázat více méně Věta

Překlady glacier

Trendy novinky na glacier

Construction on Many Glacier Road to begin in April
Poslouchejte Construction on Many Glacier Road to begin in April výslovnosti
A major two-year road construction project on Many Glacier Road is slated to begin April 1, 2020, Glacier National Park announced Friday. April 1 through May 17 and Sept. 21 through Dec. 16..Zobrazit článek
Daily Inter Lake Daily Inter Lake
Air Conditioning Is Failing for Glacier National Park’s Iconic Mountain Goats
Poslouchejte Air Conditioning Is Failing for Glacier National Park’s Iconic Mountain Goats výslovnosti
Glacier National Park’s iconic mountain goats seek out vanishing snow patches where they cool and reduce their respiration. A new study in the journal PLOS ONE says Glacier National Park’s i..Zobrazit článek
SciTech Daily SciTech Daily
Glacier lost 2,000 Olympic pools' worth of water in 5 hours
Poslouchejte Glacier lost 2,000 Olympic pools' worth of water in 5 hours výslovnosti
The researchers say meltwater drainage may be happening much faster than originally thought, raising concerns about eventual sea-level rise.
The Weather Network on MSN.com The Weather Network on MSN.com
Arctic Glacier expands Midwest presence with acquisition
Poslouchejte Arctic Glacier expands Midwest presence with acquisition výslovnosti
Montclair-based Arctic Glacier, LLC, said Thursday it acquired two Bedford, IN companies, Cosner Ice Company Inc. and Cosner Transportation LLC. Arctic, said that Cosner has built a fantasti..Zobrazit článek
A likely trigger of tropical glacier melt 20,000 years ago
Poslouchejte A likely trigger of tropical glacier melt 20,000 years ago výslovnosti
An analysis of sediment carried by glaciers in both South America and East Africa indicates that tropical glaciers not just in South America but across the tropics began to melt earlier than..Zobrazit článek
EurekAlert! EurekAlert!
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