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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje George shearing

George shearing

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Výslovnost George shearing 1 audio výslovnosti
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Fonetický pravopis George shearing

Ge-orge s-hear-ing

Příklady ve větě

All Night Long - The George Shearing Quintet With Nancy Wilson
Poslouchejte All Night Long - The George Shearing Quintet With Nancy Wilson výslovnosti
George Shearing – The MPS Trio Sessions (1977-1979)
Poslouchejte George Shearing – The MPS Trio Sessions (1977-1979) výslovnosti
Repassez-moi l'standard..."Lullaby of Birdland" composed by George Shearing & lyrics George David Weiss (1952)
Poslouchejte Repassez-moi l'standard..."Lullaby of Birdland" composed by George Shearing & lyrics George David Weiss (1952) výslovnosti

Překlady George shearing

Trendy novinky na George shearing

All Night Long - The George Shearing Quintet With Nancy Wilson
Poslouchejte All Night Long - The George Shearing Quintet With Nancy Wilson výslovnosti
Fate, how could you be so warm? Now, I've got to find the man who's haunting me Now, I've got to find the man who's haunting me
image-unavailable Concerti
George Shearing – The MPS Trio Sessions (1977-1979)
Poslouchejte George Shearing – The MPS Trio Sessions (1977-1979) výslovnosti
you already know the quality of this four-CD set of George Shearing’s trio. With the peerless Dane Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen and Ireland’s genius guitarist Louis Stewart, they can hardly..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable Paperblog

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