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first principles

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Fonetický pravopis first principles

first prin-ci-ples
first prin-ciples

Významy first principles

A first principle is a foundational assumption or proposition that cannot be deduced from other assumptions or propositions.
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Příklady ve větě

Rudimentary teaching in reading, occasionally writing, and the first principles of Lutheran faith are given in the maternal house, or in maternal schools, or by ambulatory schools under the control of the clergy, who make the necessary examination in the houses of every parish.
After completing his system (1896) Spencer continued to revise it, and brought out new editions of the Biology (1898-1899) and First Principles (1900).
In the edition of his First Principles, published in 1900, Spencer adds a postscript which shows some consciousness of the contradiction involved in his knowledge of the Unknowable, and finally contends that his account of the Knowable in part ii.
Weinel); the church supernaturally guided (R.C. apologetic; in a modified degree High Church apologetic); essential - not necessarily exclusive - truth of Paulinism, essential error in first principles of Catholicism (Protestant apologetic).

Překlady first principles

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