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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje escherichia coli

escherichia coli

Poslouchejte escherichia coli výslovnosti
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Fonetický pravopis escherichia coli

Es-cherichia coli
esheri- kia coli
S-che-ri-ki co-lie
Escheri-chia coli
escherichia coli

Významy escherichia coli

Escherichia coli is a Gram negative gammaproteobacterium commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms.
a species of bacterium normally present in intestinal tract of humans and other animals; sometimes pathogenic; can be a threat to food safety

Synonyma pro escherichia coli

Příklady ve větě

Light-driven CO 2 sequestration in Escherichia coli to achieve theoretical yield of chemicals
Poslouchejte Light-driven CO 2 sequestration in Escherichia coli to achieve theoretical yield of chemicals výslovnosti
Epidemiological characteristics of uropatogenic isolates of Escherichia coli in hospitals.
Poslouchejte Epidemiological characteristics of uropatogenic isolates of Escherichia coli in hospitals. výslovnosti
Production in Escherichia coli of recombinant COVID-19 spike protein fragments fused to CRM197.
Poslouchejte Production in Escherichia coli of recombinant COVID-19 spike protein fragments fused to CRM197. výslovnosti
Kidney intercalated cells are phagocytic and acidify internalized uropathogenic Escherichia coli
Poslouchejte Kidney intercalated cells are phagocytic and acidify internalized uropathogenic Escherichia coli výslovnosti
Role of macropore flow in the transport of Escherichia coli cells in undisturbed cores of a brown leached soil
Poslouchejte Role of macropore flow in the transport of Escherichia coli cells in undisturbed cores of a brown leached soil výslovnosti
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Překlady escherichia coli

Trendy novinky na escherichia coli

Role of macropore flow in the transport of Escherichia coli cells in undisturbed cores of a brown leached soil
Poslouchejte Role of macropore flow in the transport of Escherichia coli cells in undisturbed cores of a brown leached soil výslovnosti
The objective of this work was to evaluate the transport of Escherichia coli cells in undisturbed cores of a brown leached soil collected at La Côte St André (France). Two undisturbed soil c..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable chemie.de
Kidney intercalated cells are phagocytic and acidify internalized uropathogenic Escherichia coli
Poslouchejte Kidney intercalated cells are phagocytic and acidify internalized uropathogenic Escherichia coli výslovnosti
Second, uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), the organism isolated in 70% of acute pyelonephritis in males and 80% in females, selectively localizes to the cytoplasm of ICs 6,7. Third ...
image-unavailable Nature
Production in Escherichia coli of recombinant COVID-19 spike protein fragments fused to CRM197.
Poslouchejte Production in Escherichia coli of recombinant COVID-19 spike protein fragments fused to CRM197. výslovnosti
During 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic affected almost 10 individuals. Quite a number of vaccines against COVID-19 were therefore developed, and a few recently received authorization for emergen..Zobrazit článek
Too Old to Operate Too Old to Operate
Epidemiological characteristics of uropatogenic isolates of Escherichia coli in hospitals.
Poslouchejte Epidemiological characteristics of uropatogenic isolates of Escherichia coli in hospitals. výslovnosti
(UPEC) and to identify the major types of extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) found among nosocomial isolates. A molecular typing of UPEC (n=93) isolated from patients with urinary trac..Zobrazit článek
Too Old to Operate Too Old to Operate
Light-driven CO 2 sequestration in Escherichia coli to achieve theoretical yield of chemicals
Poslouchejte Light-driven CO 2 sequestration in Escherichia coli to achieve theoretical yield of chemicals výslovnosti
Improving the efficiency of carbon yield in heterotrophic microorganisms is desired for biomanufacturing. Now, a product-independent and energy-efficient CO2 sequestration system that maximi..Zobrazit článek
Nature Nature

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