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ih-raz-muh s

Významy erasmus

Dutch humanist and theologian who was the leading Renaissance scholar of northern Europe; although his criticisms of the Church led to the Reformation, he opposed violence and condemned Martin Luther (1466-1536)

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Příklady ve větě

UK students lose Erasmus membership in Brexit deal
Poslouchejte UK students lose Erasmus membership in Brexit deal výslovnosti
Cape Town City duo Riekerink and Erasmus scoop PSL accolades
Poslouchejte Cape Town City duo Riekerink and Erasmus scoop PSL accolades výslovnosti
Riekerink, Erasmus and Kutumela scoop last PSL monthly awards
Poslouchejte Riekerink, Erasmus and Kutumela scoop last PSL monthly awards výslovnosti
Limited openings at Erasmus Bridge for tall vessels
Poslouchejte Limited openings at Erasmus Bridge for tall vessels výslovnosti
Cape Town City duo Riekerink and Erasmus scoop PSL awards
Poslouchejte Cape Town City duo Riekerink and Erasmus scoop PSL awards výslovnosti
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Překlady erasmus

Trendy novinky na erasmus

UK students lose Erasmus membership in Brexit deal
Poslouchejte UK students lose Erasmus membership in Brexit deal výslovnosti
Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, said the government “decided not to participate in the Erasmus exchange programme” after the two sides were unable to agree on the cost of Britain..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Guardian
Erasmus exchanges another senseless casualty of Brexit
Poslouchejte Erasmus exchanges another senseless casualty of Brexit výslovnosti
Yet there was something profoundly sad about the news, announced last week and barely noted in parts of the British media, that the UK was unlikely to remain in the Erasmus study abroad sche..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Irish Times
'An act of cultural vandalism': Erasmus alumni weigh in on UK leaving education programme
Poslouchejte 'An act of cultural vandalism': Erasmus alumni weigh in on UK leaving education programme výslovnosti
As the clock struck midnight in Brussels on December 31, the UK's Brexit transition period for leaving the EU ended and with it the country's membership of the decades-old Erasmus programme.
image-unavailable Euronews
I was an early Erasmus scholar, and I grieve for what British students have lost
Poslouchejte I was an early Erasmus scholar, and I grieve for what British students have lost výslovnosti
To the mercantilist Brexiteers, any losses incurred are mere trifles. Take the end of the Erasmus scheme, which enabled students to spend time in other member states’ universities. Compared..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Guardian
UK’s Erasmus replacement to launch in September
Poslouchejte UK’s Erasmus replacement to launch in September výslovnosti
The Turing scheme, he added, “is not an alternative; it is just another national mobility scheme” that “could have been done while staying in Erasmus.” U.K. organizations wishing to take par..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable POLITICO
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