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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje economist


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Výslovnost economist 4 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte economist výslovnosti 1
40 hodnocení
Poslouchejte economist výslovnosti 2
1 hodnocení
Poslouchejte economist výslovnosti 3
0 hodnocení
Poslouchejte economist výslovnosti 4
0 hodnocení
IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : ɪˈkɒnəmɪst
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Fonetický pravopis economist


Významy economist

A popular English weekly newspaper was founded in 1843.

Synonyma pro economist

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Příklady ve větě

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith dies
Poslouchejte Economist John Kenneth Galbraith dies výslovnosti
Signals indicate Texas economy continues to improve
Poslouchejte Signals indicate Texas economy continues to improve výslovnosti
U.S. Housing prices down 9% since February
Poslouchejte U.S. Housing prices down 9% since February výslovnosti
Nigerian victory marred by deaths in custody
Poslouchejte Nigerian victory marred by deaths in custody výslovnosti
US economist tells Portugal to seek bailout
Poslouchejte US economist tells Portugal to seek bailout výslovnosti
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Překlady economist

Trendy novinky na economist

The Economist Explains Why are Russian athletes competing at the Tokyo Olympics despite the country’s ban?
Poslouchejte The Economist Explains Why are Russian athletes competing at the Tokyo Olympics despite the country’s ban? výslovnosti
When it’s the Russian Olympic Committee. Officially, Russia is banned from competing in Tokyo for previous doping offences. But viewers would be forgiven for thinking otherwise. A team of 33..Zobrazit článek
The Economist The Economist
The Economist Asks: Eric Berkowitz Where is the difference between moderation and censorship on tech platforms?
Poslouchejte The Economist Asks: Eric Berkowitz Where is the difference between moderation and censorship on tech platforms? výslovnosti
WHERE IS the difference between moderation and censorship on tech platforms? Anne McElvoy asks the author of “Dangerous Ideas" whether social media giants were right to ban Donald Trump and..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Economist
The Economist explains How do horses travel to international competitions?
Poslouchejte The Economist explains How do horses travel to international competitions? výslovnosti
Horses’ owners have always taken advantage of the latest technologies. Steeds have been transported by sea since ancient times. By the 19th century some racing horses were moved around in va..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Economist
We're hiring Join Economist Podcasts as a News Podcast Engineer
Poslouchejte We're hiring Join Economist Podcasts as a News Podcast Engineer výslovnosti
We are looking for a talented and experienced audio engineer to join our podcasting team. You will be working alongside a team of producers and editors to deliver the final mixes of our awar..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Economist
The Economist Asks: Emily Oster Can data make better parents?
Poslouchejte The Economist Asks: Emily Oster Can data make better parents? výslovnosti
CAN DATA make better parents? The author of “The Family Firm” and economics professor at Brown University tells Anne McElvoy why crunching the numbers takes the stress out of raising childre..Zobrazit článek
image-unavailable The Economist
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