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Významy drafts

Drafts is a writing automation app that is developed by Agile Tortoise which is a writing automation tool that helps to write and send it to other apps without the extra taps.

Synonyma pro drafts

Dozvědět se více o slovo "drafts" , jeho původu, alternativní formy a použití z Wikislovníku.

Příklady ve větě

Russia drafts regulation on import duties for Ukraine: document
In commercial and banking usage cash is sometimes confined to specie; it is also, in opposition to bills, drafts or securities, applied to bank-notes.
On the 29th of September Cardinal Ant onelli further apprised Baron Blanc that he was about to issue drafts for the monthly payment of the 50,000 crowns inscribed in the pontifical budget for the maintenance of the pope, the Sacred College, the apostolic palaces and the papal guards.
The Italian treasury at once honored all the papal drafts, and thus contributed a first instalment of the 3,225,000 lire per annum afterwards placed by Article 4 of the Law of Guarantees at the disposal of the Holy See.
(b) The Ada concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum, a detailed account of the proceedings and discourses at the great council of St Basle; a shorter account of his apologetic speeches at the councils of Mouzon and Causey; and drafts of the decrees of two or three other councils or imperial constitutio

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Antonyma pro drafts

Jak se vyslovuje Toulon?

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