• Výslovnost
  • Zkuste výslovnost
  • Významy
  • Synonyma
  • Antonyma
  • Věta
  • Překlad
  • Komentáře

Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje distinctness


Poslouchejte distinctness výslovnosti
Sazba výslovnost obtížnosti
3 /5
(2 hlasy)
  • Velmi snadné
  • Snadné
  • Středně
  • Obtížné
  • Velmi obtížné
Díky za váš hlas!
Výslovnost distinctness 3 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte distinctness výslovnosti 1
2 hodnocení
Poslouchejte distinctness výslovnosti 2
1 hodnocení
Poslouchejte distinctness výslovnosti 3
0 hodnocení
IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : dɪsˈtɪŋktnɪs
Záznam a poslouchat výslovnost
Naučit vyslovit distinctness
Můžete vyslovit toto slovo lepší
nebo vyslovit v různých přízvuk

Fonetický pravopis distinctness


Významy distinctness

Distinctness is a noun term that means "a distinctly different or different quality".

Synonyma pro distinctness

Antonyma pro distinctness

Dozvědět se více o slovo "distinctness" , jeho původu, alternativní formy a použití z Wikislovníku.

Příklady ve větě

An increase in the size of the iron disk attached to the membrane augmented both the loudness and the distinctness of the sounds, and this finally led to the adoption of a thin iron disk supported round its edge, acting as both membrane and armature (fig.
Nor could Shakespeare have failed to bring out with greater variety and distinctness the dramatic features in Henry VII., whom Ford depicts with sufficient distinctness to give some degree of individuality to the figure, but still with a tenderness of touch which would have been much to the credit o
Reis's object was to reproduce at a distance not only music but also human speech; but that he did not wholly succeed is clear from the following extract from his lecture: - Hitherto it has not been possible to reproduce human speech with sufficient distinctness.
Huxley adopted Latreille's view of the distinctness of the Amphibia, as a class of the Vertebrata, co-ordinate with the Mammalia, A y es, Reptilia and Pisces; and the same arrangement was accepted by Gegenbaur and Haeckel.
This division of the Vertebrata into hot and cold blooded is a curiously retrograde step, only intelligible when we reflect that the excellent entomologist had no real comprehension of vertebrate morphology; but he makes some atonement for the blunder by steadily upholding the class distinctness of
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Překlady distinctness

Jak se vyslovuje Walter brennan?

vawl-tuh breh nu-hn
vawl-tuh breh-nuhn
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