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2 /5
(6 hlasy)
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ipa : dɪˈkriː
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Fonetický pravopis decree


Významy decree

issue a decree
decide with authority
a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)
It's an official order that is passed by the government.
government decree
Poslouchejte government decree výslovnosti
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Synonyma pro decree

Dozvědět se více o slovo "decree" , jeho původu, alternativní formy a použití z Wikislovníku.

Příklady ve větě

House Reps to DOJ: Examine Live Nation Consent Decree's 'Fundamental Shortcomings'
One of Romania's 'children of the decree' fights for change
Hamas calls for issuing general election decree in Palestinian territories
Morocco to suspend customs duty on soft wheat from Jan 2 to April 30 - draft decree
Blocking apps by ministerial decree enables illegal content takedowns in Peru
Ukázat více méně Věta

Překlady decree

Trendy novinky na decree

Hamas Demands Presidential Decree on Elections Without Prior Israeli Consent
Hamas on Wednesday called on Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas to issue a “presidential decree,” setting a date for new presidential and parliamentary elections without wait..Zobrazit článek )
King Salman issues royal decree to promote and appoint 53 Saudi judges
Short Url https://arab.news/8f7zh RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman issued a royal decree Sunday to promote and appoint 53 judges to the Board of Grievances. The promotions and appointments..Zobrazit článek
Arab News on MSN.com Arab News on MSN.com
Cost of Shreveport's consent decree repairs rising significantly
Cost of Shreveport's consent decree repairs rising significantly City of Shreveport finds sewer repair projects in consent decree are much more significant than originally thought. Check out..Zobrazit článek
Shreveport Times Shreveport Times
Issuing elections decree dependent on holding them in E. Jerusalem: Abbas
BETHLEHEM, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday that issuing a presidential decree for holding the Palestinian elections is dependent on whether they could..Zobrazit článek
China Internet Information Center China Internet Information Center
Costa Rican president signs decree to allow some abortions
San José, Costa Rica, Dec 15, 2019 / 03:22 am (CNA).- Costa Rica's president on Dec. 12 issued a technical decree that defines the conditions under which a doctor may perform an abortion whe..Zobrazit článek
Catholic News Agency Catholic News Agency
Ukázat více méně Novinky

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Antonyma pro decree

Jaká je přesná výslovnost jména Javier Pastore?

haa-vii-ayy paa-stre
ha-vee-ay pa-staw
ha-ve-aay pa-staw
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