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1 /5
(1 Hlasování)
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Fonetický pravopis constructing


Významy constructing

It is a verb term that means "to construct or make something".

Synonyma pro constructing

Dozvědět se více o slovo "constructing" , jeho původu, alternativní formy a použití z Wikislovníku.

Příklady ve větě

Abu Dhabi starts constructing 'green city'
Poslouchejte Abu Dhabi starts constructing 'green city' výslovnosti
He was the inventor of the stage-micrometer, and of a form of heliometer; and in 1816 he succeeded in constructing for the microscope achromatic glasses of long focus, consisting of a single lens, the constituent glasses of which were in juxtaposition, but not cemented together.
By constructing several partial polygons, and computing the relations between the loads and resistances which are determined by the application of that theorem to each of them, with the aid, if necessary, of Moseleys principle of the least resistance, the whole of the relations amongst the loads and
(See Stone Monuments, Barrow and Cairn.) The custom of constructing sepulchral tumuli was widely prevalent throughout the prehistoric ages and is referred to in the early literature of various races as a fitting commemoration of the illustrious dead.
Volunteers are constructing an all-metal light aircraft from a kit, something that would take one or two people a year or more

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Antonyma pro constructing
Překlady constructing

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