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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje circling


Poslouchejte circling výslovnosti
Sazba výslovnost obtížnosti
2 /5
(3 hlasy)
  • Velmi snadné
  • Snadné
  • Středně
  • Obtížné
  • Velmi obtížné
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Výslovnost circling 1 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte circling výslovnosti 1
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IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : ˈsɜːklɪŋ
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Fonetický pravopis circling


Synonyma pro circling

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Příklady ve větě

Federal investigators have concluded that two commercial pilots from Anchorage, Alaska, failed to maintain minimal clearance while circling the Dillingham airport before they died in a 2013 crash
In remembrance of these victims of popular wrath Jalal-uddin founded the order of the Maulawi (in Turkish Mevlevi) dervishes, famous for their piety as well as for their peculiar garb of mourning, their music and their mystic dance (sama), which is the outward representation of the circling movement
They are flattened oval in form, circling with gliding motion over the surface film of the water, and occasionally diving, when they carry down with them a bubble of air.
He admitted none of the mental scenarios circling his tired brain made a lick of sense.
Rose Tisdale first sighted the blue car circling the block and called Flora Watkins.

Překlady circling

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Významy circling
Antonyma pro circling

Jaká je přesná výslovnost jména Ozzie smith?

aw-zee smith
aaw-ze smidh
av-see zmith
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