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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje circlet


Poslouchejte circlet výslovnosti
Sazba výslovnost obtížnosti
3 /5
(6 hlasy)
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  • Velmi obtížné
Díky za váš hlas!
Výslovnost circlet 3 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte circlet výslovnosti 1
22 hodnocení
Poslouchejte circlet výslovnosti 2
21 hodnocení
Poslouchejte circlet výslovnosti 3
19 hodnocení
IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : ˈsɜːklɪt
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Fonetický pravopis circlet


Významy circlet

This is a band or an ornament, that is circular in shape and is worn on the head.

Synonyma pro circlet

Dozvědět se více o slovo "circlet" , jeho původu, alternativní formy a použití z Wikislovníku.

Příklady ve větě

Circlet and arches are richly chased and jewelled; they are filled out by a cap of stiff material, often red velvet, ornamented with pictures in embroidery or appliqué metal.
This circlet of gill-lamellae led Cuvier to class the limpets as Cyclobranchiata, and, by erroneous identification of them with the series of metamerically repeated ctenidia of Chiton, to associate the latter mollusc with the former.
The badge is a pale green enamelled cross resting on a' gold crown with eight rue leaves, the centre is white with the crowned monogram of the founder surrounded by a green circlet of rue; the star bears in its centre the motto Providentiae Memor.
Law Desiderius, the last Lombard king, in 774, and when he received the circlet of the empire from Leo Ill, at Rome ~fl 800, he did but complete and ratify the compact offered to his grandfather, Charles Martel, by Gregory III.
The proboscis bears at its extremity a circlet of smaller oral tentacles.
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