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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje bRETAGNE


Poslouchejte bRETAGNE výslovnosti
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4 /5
(10 hlasy)
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Výslovnost bRETAGNE 2 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte bRETAGNE výslovnosti 1
4 hodnocení
Poslouchejte bRETAGNE výslovnosti 2
2 hodnocení
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Fonetický pravopis bRETAGNE


Významy bRETAGNE

A region located in northwestern France.

Synonyma pro bRETAGNE

Příklady ve větě

The great governments were: Alsace, Saintonge and Angoumois, Anjou, Artois, Aunis, Auvergne, Beam and Navarre, Berry, Bourbonnais, Bourgogne (Burgundy), Bretagne (Brittany),, Champagne, DauphinC, Flandre, Foix, Franche-Comt, Guienne and Gascogne (Gascony), Ile-de-France, Languedoc, Limousin, Lorrain
Arius), the central hero of the cycle of romance known as the Matiere de Bretagne (see Arthurian Legend).
His literary output at this time, all inspired by a moderate Liberalism, was astounding, and included an essay on the results of the discovery of America, and another, written in French, on the English financial system (Essa y sur l'etat de l'administration des finances de la Grande-Bretagne, London
Bretagne Paris Languedoc Bourgogne Bretagne Lobineau 1707 Felibien and Lobi neau 1725 Vaissette and de Vic1730-1745Plancher (1-3), Merle 1739-1748, (4) 1781 Morice 1742-1756255 4 5 [[History And Antiquities Of France A]].
Geslin de Bourgogne he published Etudes sur la revolution en Bretagne in 1858, and between 1855 and 1879 an exhaustive work in six volumes on the Anciens eveches de Bretagne; histoire et monuments.

Překlady bRETAGNE

Přidat bRETAGNE podrobnosti

Antonyma pro bRETAGNE

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