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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje bad


Poslouchejte bad výslovnosti
Sazba výslovnost obtížnosti
3 /5
(56 hlasy)
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  • Velmi obtížné
Díky za váš hlas!
Výslovnost bad 14 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte bad výslovnosti 1
82 hodnocení
Poslouchejte bad výslovnosti 2
2 hodnocení
Poslouchejte bad výslovnosti 3
1 hodnocení
Poslouchejte bad výslovnosti 4
1 hodnocení
Poslouchejte bad výslovnosti 5
0 hodnocení
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IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : bæd bæd
Záznam a poslouchat výslovnost
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Učit se bad výslovnosti s video

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Fonetický pravopis bad


Významy bad

An album song that was composed by the musical artist Michael Jackson and was released in the year 1987.

Synonyma pro bad

Antonyma pro bad

Dozvědět se více o slovo "bad" , jeho původu, alternativní formy a použití z Wikislovníku.

Příklady ve větě

Snow hits New Zealand
Poslouchejte Snow hits New Zealand výslovnosti
UK Political Parties discuss green issues in run up to local elections
Poslouchejte UK Political Parties discuss green issues in run up to local elections výslovnosti
German court jails rail worker over Bad Aibling disaster
Poslouchejte German court jails rail worker over Bad Aibling disaster výslovnosti
Researchers at UC Berkeley strike against "bad faith bargaining"
Poslouchejte Researchers at UC Berkeley strike against "bad faith bargaining" výslovnosti
NASA launches satellites to study northern lights
Poslouchejte NASA launches satellites to study northern lights výslovnosti
Ukázat více méně Věta

Překlady bad

Trendy novinky na bad

Column: California recall system must be reformed. It's bad for taxpayers and, some say, democracy
Poslouchejte Column: California recall system must be reformed. It's bad for taxpayers and, some say, democracy výslovnosti
For starters, Californians should not elect a replacement governor when the lieutenant governor could take over, columnist George Skelton writes.
Latest line: A good week for solar industry, bad one for former SCU instructor
Poslouchejte Latest line: A good week for solar industry, bad one for former SCU instructor výslovnosti
New hotels, offices, grocery stores, restaurants and other commercial buildings would have to include solar power in their construction.
Mercury News Mercury News
Robots are coming for the lawyers — which could be bad for attorneys but great for their clients
Poslouchejte Robots are coming for the lawyers — which could be bad for attorneys but great for their clients výslovnosti
There's a bumper crop of tech startups jostling to automate various types of legal work, and the results could help save both time and money.
Business Insider Business Insider
Manchester City Must Trust The ‘Process’ As A Bad Start Beckons
Poslouchejte Manchester City Must Trust The ‘Process’ As A Bad Start Beckons výslovnosti
Manchester City’s opening day defeat against Tottenham Hotspur was predictable. With barely a week of training in many of its star players legs, the team looked lethargic. For the first 20 m..Zobrazit článek
Forbes Forbes
Gavin Newsom Is Bad For California's Health
Poslouchejte Gavin Newsom Is Bad For California's Health výslovnosti
On September 14, the people of California will have the chance to oust Governor Gavin Newsom. His record over his more than two and a half years in power is checkered. Nowhere is that cleare..Zobrazit článek
Forbes Forbes
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