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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje Asturias


Poslouchejte Asturias výslovnosti
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3 /5
(6 hlasy)
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Výslovnost Asturias 2 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte Asturias výslovnosti 1
2 hodnocení
Poslouchejte Asturias výslovnosti 2
1 hodnocení
IPA a Fonetický pravopis
ipa : æˈstʊ(ə)rɪəs
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Fonetický pravopis Asturias


Významy Asturias

An Autonomous community of Spain is known for its historical churches.

Synonyma pro Asturias

Příklady ve větě

El Valey acoge la XXIV Muestra de Artes Plásticas de Asturias
Gonzalo Andrés, nuevo campeón de Asturias (Clasificación COMPLETA)
The French, still numbering nearly 200,000, now held the following positions: the Army of the North - Dorsenne (48,000) - was about the Pisuerga, in the Asturias, and along the northern coast; the Army of Portugal - Marmont (50,000) - mainly in the valley of the Tagus, but ordered to Salamanca; the
In the same Asturian districts the government has its foundries and factories for making arms at La Trubia and Oviedo, Toledo being only now famous for its blades and decorative work, while the foundries at Seville and Segovia are unimportant compared with those of Asturias.
The Latin future has been replaced, as everywhere, by tile perirphasis (c a n t a r e ha b en), but it is worth noticing that in certain old texts of the 13th century, and in the popular songs of a comparatively ancient date which have been preserved in Asturias, the auxiliary can still precede the

Překlady Asturias

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Antonyma pro Asturias

Jaká je přesná výslovnost jména Missy Higgins?

mais - ee hi - ganz
maiis - eei hi - gaanz
mis - ee hi - gnz
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