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Naučte se, jak se vyslovuje alps


Poslouchejte alps výslovnosti
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3 /5
(9 hlasy)
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Výslovnost alps 3 audio výslovnosti
Poslouchejte alps výslovnosti 1
63 hodnocení
Poslouchejte alps výslovnosti 2
60 hodnocení
Poslouchejte alps výslovnosti 3
0 hodnocení
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ipa : ælps
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Fonetický pravopis alps


Významy alps

a large mountain system in south-central Europe; scenic beauty and winter sports make them a popular tourist attraction

Synonyma pro alps

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Příklady ve větě

Coffee fire in Trinity Alps grows to 300 acres, potential to burn much more
Search to resume at first light for Windsor man missing in Trinity Alps
Poslouchejte Search to resume at first light for Windsor man missing in Trinity Alps  výslovnosti
Ötzi the Iceman, a well-preserved mummy discovered in the Alps, may have had a genetic predisposition to heart disease, new research suggests
Though the Alps form throughout the northern boundary of Italy, the exact limits at the extremities of the Alpine chain are not clearly marked.
The Alps have 172 endemic species and at least 15 genera that are not found in the Pyrenees, while the latter range counts about 100 endemic species with several (six or seven) genera not found in the Alps Drude has accordingly suggested the substitution of the term High-mountain floras for Alpine,
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Překlady alps

Trendy novinky na alps

Dutch, fearing coronavirus, brace for return of 900 students from Italian Alps
Poslouchejte Dutch, fearing coronavirus, brace for return of 900 students from Italian Alps výslovnosti
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Netherlands, anxious to protect the public from coronavirus, is scrambling to put together a plan for the imminent return of around 900 students from a ski trip in..Zobrazit článek
Reuters Reuters
ALPS OutdoorZ Introduces Deluxe Wetlands Seat
Poslouchejte ALPS OutdoorZ Introduces Deluxe Wetlands Seat výslovnosti
ALPS Outdoorz has expanded its line of waterfowling gear with the Deluxe Wetland Seat. Designed with marshlands, flooded timber and otherwise-saturated ground in mind, the Deluxe Wetland Sea..Zobrazit článek
American Hunter American Hunter
Age of Coronavirus: Swooping from the Swiss Alps to Sitting on the Couch
Poslouchejte Age of Coronavirus: Swooping from the Swiss Alps to Sitting on the Couch výslovnosti
The remote slopes are that close to heavenly. Adventure seekers flock to the spot in the Swiss Alps for year-round snow sports in the sky, by way of the The Klein Matterhorn cable car. It pu..Zobrazit článek
Flatland Kansas City Flatland Kansas City
ALPS suspending services
Poslouchejte ALPS suspending services výslovnosti
ALPS Adult Day Services, a staple in the Lakeway Area for the last 33 years, will suspend services to the mentally and physically challenged at the end of the day Wednesday due to coronaviru..Zobrazit článek
Citizen Tribune Citizen Tribune
Global Automotive Steering Wheel Switch Market Insights 2019-2025 | ZF, Delphi, Orman, Alps, Tokai Rika
Poslouchejte Global Automotive Steering Wheel Switch Market Insights 2019-2025 | ZF, Delphi, Orman, Alps, Tokai Rika výslovnosti
The report involves insightful data on the main sectors of the Global Automotive Steering Wheel Switch Market. The report has segmented market, by its types and applications. Each segment ha..Zobrazit článek
galusaustralis.com galusaustralis.com
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